I Got You Babe!! Let them know what you really want for Valentines Day!
Tis the season to be Jolly with a Moscow Mule or Maybe Even a Hot Totty
It was just Labor Day and already we here, the holiday party season has bells ringing in the air. Most of us have events to attend and are still unprepared with the looming question "oh shit, what shall I wear?"
If you haven't found that extra special look yet, don't worry "I haven't either." But I have found quit a few major contenders. Because I am nice and mixed with a bit of sugar but mostly spice I have decided to share a few of my holiday picks to help you in celebrating Jolly ole Saint Nick.
Or maybe...
New Year New You Closet MakeOver
Ever year we all get excited about the possibilities that a new Year brings forth. We all want to become fit, healthy, address financial matters and make short lived resolutions (speaking for myself). In doing all of this it is tradition to clean our homes including our (for most) "dreaded closet."
There are things in there that remind us of who we use to be, how small or large we once were, and "why in the hell did I buy that?"
This year lets try something different all together when cleaning our closets! I have over the years developed a...